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29-upupw不完全包括以上组件,不同PHP版本能适配的外部扩展不同,为了性能以上组件除网站特别要求外没必要全开启! Core bcmath calendar ctype date ereg filter ftp hash iconv json mcrypt SPL. Odbc pcre Reflection session standard mysqlnd tokenizer zip zlib libxml dom PDO bz2. SimpleXML wddx xml xmlreader xmlwriter cgi-fcgi openssl curl fileinfo gd imap mbstring exif. Mysql mysqli Phar pdo mysql PDO ODBC pdo sqlite soap sockets SQLite sqlite3 xmlrpc memcache wincache.
Forgot Password or Username? Truut truut truuut truuut. Deviant since Jul 29, 2005.
Forgot Password or Username? The huge Huggable Guy.
Tai Chi and Qigong with Liam. Liam has been practicing and teaching Tai Chi, Qigong and Yoga more than 10 years. His goal is to offer his students the traditions, techniques, relaxation, and health that he has attained through Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and Yoga. He is currently studying Chen Tai Chi with Master Yu Guo Shun.
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