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S míčem k sexy postavě! Herec z Transformers vypadá jako bezdomovec! Co se to s ním proboha stalo? Vítej na mém blogu. Sorry ale je mi blbě a do soutěží se mi přihlásili do každé 2 nebo 3 lidé tak to začne až po novím roce fakt se omlouvám tak asi po novím roce ahoj. 1každý smí mít reklamu na blogu.
Electrical Appliances mains and battery. Draw a circle around all the things which need electricity to work. Drag the electrical appliances into the rooms in which you would expect to find them. Drag these electrical appliances into the correct boxes as to whether they use mains electricity or battery. The best websites found on the topic of electrical appliances activities.
A series of informational slides explaining what circuits are and the difference between series and parallel circuits. The best websites found on the topic of electrical circuits information. Match the symbol to the picture. Can you match the symbol to the picture? Drag the correct item to the box beneath the symbol. Will these circuits work? Build the following circuits using the symbols provided and test them. Choose a circuit to build.
Learnanytime - food chains and food webs. Interdependence and the relationship between food chains and food webs. Click on each of the living things in the scene to find out about them. Can you see the relationship between the living things shown as a food web? Click on a box to see what happens when you remove one part of the food web. Click on an organism to remove it from the food web. Click the reset button to start again. Drag the living things into the correct boxes to create your food web.
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Learnanytime - light sources shadows and reflection. Drag and drop the bones into the correct places in the shadow skeleton. The best websites found on the topic of shadows activities. A short video clip demonstrating how light travels in straight lines. The best websites found on the topic of light explanation. Drag and drop the light bulbs to match their correct descriptions. The best websites found on the topic of light sources activities. Earth Revolves Around the Sun.